Helping families flourish


Need help finding great childcare?

When looking for childcare, there are lots of different terms to get familiar with, and it can be confusing to know who does what, where,

Childcare is an essential service for many families, but like any human activity, it can also have a significant impact on the environment. With global

baby in sustainable nappy legs crawling

It’s no secret that our planet is going through some tough times. With heatwaves breaking records and single-use masks piling up, it’s clear that our

child holding dried fruit
Our wonderful Childcare Quality Coaches are part of what makes Koru Kids support so great. They're on hand to offer a listening ear and lots
childminder reading nook

Your childminding business is part of your home. But let’s face it, most of us don’t live in massive houses with rooms to spare. Instead,

Encouraging kids to help around the house can sometimes feel like a chore in itself!
We’ve put together the Koru Kids team’s funniest and most creative excuses their kids have used to avoid going to bed
children playing with childminder

We weigh up the pros and cons of choosing a childminder vs nursery. Let’s focus on your family priorities and make the best childcare choice

childminder playroom

Become a Koru Kids Childminder Setting up childminding in your home is a great opportunity to makeover your space. But what look should you go

Nanny and boy playing with rainbow toy

Choosing your little one’s childcare can be daunting. We’ve taken a closer look at full time nannies and childminders, to help you choose between them.

What is a childminder

Where should I start looking for a childminder? Word of mouth – Friends and family, Playgrounds Online – Facebook, Childminder Agencies – Koru Kids

childminder who used to be a teacher teaches a class outside in the forest

Becoming a new parent is a minefield of new experiences: from changing nappies, to sleepless nights and navigating the world of childcare. Each step is

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