
How the Employer National Insurance changes will impact nanny employers

The UK government has announced changes to Employers National Insurance contributions from April 2025. What’s changing for employer national insurance? Two main things will change from 1 April 2025: If nannies earn over £5000 from April 2025 you will need to pay Employers National Insurance.

Bringing up great kids

With so much information out there on raising our kids, we try to quieten the noise by sharing insights from different childcare philosophies, the latest in child development research and just some useful tips along the way.

Finding great childcare

Finding great childcare can be so tough. Figuring out the right option for your family and then all the questions that go with it. Here we try to break down all of your childcare choices to help you find great childcare.

Thoughtful parenting

Parenting is all-consuming, so finding the time to research useful tips to make it that bit easier can be such a challenge. Here we share our top tips for thoughtful parents so you can focus on what’s really important.

Looking for childcare?

Things to do

Need some new inspiration for keeping those kids active? Here are our best picks for activities and things to do all year and all weather. 

Starting school

Wondering how to navigate finding, applying for and choosing the right school while supporting your school starter? We break it down into easy chunks to help you feel prepared for September.

Working in childcare

We’re passionate about childcare and want to find the best childcarers. Here we share tips on how to get a job in childcare, including qualifications and training, as well as some tips on how to love your job in childcare. 

Start your career in childcare today

The Koru Kids mission

Building a better childcare system

We’re on a mission to find every family the childcare they need to help their family flourish. Childcare that creates awesome mini-humans, puts emotional wellbeing first, is easy to arrange, and doesn’t cost the earth.

Quality childcare not only improves children’s lives, but gives you the opportunity to pursue your career aspirations—so the whole family is happy and thriving.

Read more about the Koru Kids story