Koru Kids recipe book

An experienced nanny is high-fiving the young girl she cares for while cooking. White text overlayed reads 'Let's get cooking!'

There’s lots to think about as a parent, so it isn’t always easy to come up with dinner ideas at the drop of a hat. That’s why we decided to compile a list of healthy and quick recipes, to make mealtimes a breeze. Download our free cooking with kids recipe book today The recipes come […]

Too much TV

My 3 year old just wants to watch TV. What can I do? Lots of parents are struggling with getting their children motivated to do anything, even play sometimes. One parent asked us what they can do to help their 3 year old interact, “some days it’s a struggle to get them to do anything”. […]

Helping aggressive children

How can I help my child who is struggling with aggression? We reached out to parents to find out their biggest parenting questions, and put them to child psychotherapist, Joanna Fortune. This was a tough question that we thought was really important to address. A parent asked us what they can do about their child […]

Ever heard of a Koala Cuddle?

Two girls hugging

Child Psychologist Hannah Abrahams explains what they are and how they’re such a simple and effective way to help your little one in moments of worry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjGx1i16pT0

10 ways to support your child’s speech development

mum and child giggling together outside autumnal

Language development is a crucial skill that forms part of your child’s development. In this blog, we’ll explain why it is valuable to prioritise speech and language development, as well as explore 10 clinically backed tips to support your children aged 4–10 on their journey in speech and language development.

What is Reggio Emilia parenting and how you can incorporate it at home

Reggio Emilia is one of many different parenting styles which pop up when searching on the internet. You might come across really technical articles which leave you feeling overwhelmed or vague articles that leave you feeling confused. To help, we’ve laid out the core pillars of Reggio Emilia parenting and some simple, stress-free ways to […]

8 Yoga poses for kids

victoria tso demonstrating a yoga pose for kids with children on blue mats

These 8 yoga poses for kids are a great way to help children’s physical and mental health.

Childhood Skills Development: A Cheat Sheet

Here’s a breakdown of your child’s skills, divided into different stages, with a handy guide on how you can best support their development. There are numerous areas in which children can grow and learn physical, cognitive, social and emotional skills. However, it is important to note that each child is unique and will develop at […]

What to do with all the outgrown kids’ clothes

baby vest

In today’s world of disposable items and fast fashion, it’s more important than ever to recycle and reuse what we can to minimise the overall impact on our environment. An estimated 336,000 tonnes of unwanted clothing in the UK gets thrown away every year. The good news is that there are lots of simple ways […]

Veganuary Myths: Debunked

child and parent at food stall

What is Veganuary? Veganuary is an annual campaign that encourages people to try a vegan diet for the month of January. The campaign was created in 2014 to help people start the year off on a healthier and more environmentally sustainable footing by adopting a plant-based diet. Veganuary aims to inspire people to try veganism […]