Koru Kids' Guide to Starting School

Your child and their first year at school

If your little one is starting school this year, congratulations! This is an exciting milestone for the whole family.

We made this guide to give you the confidence to know you’re doing the best for your child in this important year. Through a series of short videos with experts and Early Years practitioners, you’ll understand what to expect in the first few weeks and the foundations of the curriculum. You’ll also get some practical tips and techniques to support your child’s learning and emotional development.

We hope it’s useful, and one less thing to worry about.

The first few weeks

Hannah Abrahams, Child Psychologist and mum of three, introduces some ideas around self-soothing and letting your child decompress at the end of their week.

Adjusting to change

Dr Megan Shakesheff, Clinical Psychologist at New Avenue Psychology in South-West London gives tips on how to spot hidden anxieties in your child, and how to help them problem solve these.

Settling in

Niki Page, Early Years expert, Head of Reception (rated ‘Outstanding’) shares some tips on settling in, and what you might expect in the first few weeks.

Early Learning Goals

Niki Page, Early Years expert, Head of Reception (rated ‘Outstanding’), and mum, gives you an overview of what your little one will be learning in Reception.

Phonics, Reading and Writing

Nicole Wilson, Assistant Head and Head of Literacy, introduces how phonics, reading and writing is taught in school so you can support your child’s learning at home.

Numers, Size, Shape and Measure

Holly Laing, EYFS Leader at her primary school in Waltham Forest talks about games you can play at home to reinforce numbers, size, shape and measure.

If you’re worried about balancing the after school rush along with the transition, we have amazing after school nannies who can help out.