Like finding quality childcare, exam preparation can feel like a full-time job without the right support. Our friends at Atom Learning have helped thousands of families prepare for school entrance exams. Anna, Atom’s Chief Learning Officer, has shared her top tips for a stress-free entrance exam and 11+ preparation journey.
1. Start little and often (and early!)
The biggest question we receive from parents is: “when should we start preparing?”.
If your child is preparing for entrance exams – such as grammar school 11 plus exams or independent senior school exams – it’s best to get started early. These exams are designed to be challenging, as they’re used to select children based on academic ability. While every child is different, as a general rule of thumb, we recommend preparing around 18 to 24 months before your child’s exam.
When it comes to exam preparation, it’s a marathon, not a sprint! We all retain information best when we learn in bitesize chunks, so we recommend building your child’s study routine around bursts of learning up to 30 minutes (age dependent). As children grow, so do their attention span and ability to remember information for the long-term. When creating their study schedule, take these timings into account:
Average length of focus by age | |
Age 7 |
Age 8 |
Age 9 |
Age 10 |
Age 11 |
Age 12 |
2. Choose the right resources for your child
It’s important to consider your child’s learning style and your family’s schedule when choosing resources. The right resource will keep your child motivated, engaged and continuously progressing towards their goal.
While tuition has historically been the most common way to prepare for the 11+, there’s been a shift in recent years with families looking for more child-centric and cost-effective preparation methods, that they don’t have to beg their child to do!
Online learning can be a more flexible option if you have a busy family life. Atom Home can help strike the right balance at a fraction of the cost of private tuition. Atom’s learning content adapts to your child, so they’ll see questions pitched at the right level of difficulty to keep them engaged and motivated. You can enter your target schools and the system builds a tailored plan for your child’s exams, including practice questions, video tutorials and mock tests.
3. Keep track of progress
Tracking your child’s progress is important to make sure they are on the right path at every step of their journey. To do this, you need the right data in front of you such as standardised age scores. Regularly assessing your child’s current level of knowledge with practice papers and questions is a helpful way to assess their progress.
Once your child is comfortable with the format of the exam, have them sit a few practice papers under exam conditions. A child who is experienced with mock exams will know how to pace themselves to get the best results.
When it comes to mock tests, it’s important not to overdo it. We recommend setting:
- One mock test per month in Year 3 and Year 4.
- One to two mock tests per month in Year 5.
- 6 weeks before your child’s exam, increase to one to two mock tests per week.
Always make sure to take ten to fifteen minutes to sit down with your child after a mock test to review their answers together and talk through any corrections. This is an important step to consolidate and embed their learning. Praise their resilience when they make improvements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement fosters a growth mindset and keeps them motivated as they approach exam day.
4. Don't neglect exam skills
Understanding the content is vital, but so is mastering exam technique. Confidence in both areas is key to success on exam day.
Go over the exam format with your child in the months leading up to the exam, so there are no surprises on the day. Make sure that they have a good understanding of the timings to confidently pace themselves appropriately.
Finally, teach them strategies like the process of elimination to tackle tricky questions. Exam technique is about recognising question types, understanding what’s being asked, and answering accurately while managing time wisely.
5. Tailor your preparation to your specific goal
The 11+ exam can vary significantly depending on the school or region, so it’s important to tailor your child’s preparation to the specific test they will be taking. Generic revision might cover a broad range of topics, but it’s not always effective. Instead, focus on the subjects, topics and question types that will be on the real exam.
Don’t over-revise, as this can lead to burnout. Instead, create a targeted study plan that covers all the necessary material without overwhelming your child. Understanding the specific format of their exam will make your preparation more efficient and effective. Need help getting started? You can download your free personalised learning roadmap.
6. Life is busy
We know family life is busy. With school, work, activity clubs, days out, play dates, sports matches, holidays and more, adding exam preparation to the mix can feel overwhelming.
Try to remember that, while important, the 11+ exam is just one step in your child’s educational journey. It’s natural to want the best for your child, but make sure to keep the experience positive and supportive. Encourage your child to do their best, but remind them that their worth is not determined by an exam result. Maintaining a healthy balance between study and relaxation is key to keeping your child’s mental and emotional wellbeing intact throughout the preparation process.
Deciding when and how to begin exam preparation is a personal decision that depends on your child’s unique needs and learning goals. Every child is different. When other families in your community are doing the same thing, it can be tempting to jump on the bandwagon – but your child’s unique needs and goals should always be at the heart of your decision. After all, you know your child and their capabilities best!
The right approach is one that best supports your child’s success and wellbeing. Regardless of your decision, Atom’s admissions experts are on hand to support your family every step of the way.
If you’re keen to find out more, try Atom for free.